"FAMILY...is a little world created by LOVE"

Monday, December 6, 2010

I won't have a toothless teenager after all...

Well, I keep meaning to report that Braden finally has some TEETH! He cut his first one just days shy of turning 14 months old, now a month later, we have FOUR! What a cranky, tempermental, exausting, sleepless month it has been, but oh so worth it!!

I keep delaying to post this because I wanted to get a picture of them, but he is determined not to let me. He got his top two in first, and now his bottom two. He's learning to use them on my shoulder, LOL! I think it feels good for him to apply pressure on them.

I have noticed other than breakfast, he isnt eating as well. I'm not sure if its him just deciding he wants to be picky now, or if its just because he is irritable and uncomfortable. Any thoughts?

Oh and I went to Walmart to purchase some more Orajel and teething tablets, and the teething tablets had been recalled...did any of you know this?


kristinkfitness said...

Yeah I heard they got recalled! I'd just use Tylenol when you need to and lots of teethers, etc! The small app could def be from teething! It also changes depending on if they're going through a growth spurt or not so maybe he just doesn't need as much to eat right now. Do we ever REALLY know what's going on with them...no...hahaha! But we try! =)

Melissa said...

I know! I dont want to feel like a horrible mom not feeding her child enough...LOL! But, he is determined to swat, spit out, or refuse to take whatever I'm handing to him. Anyway, we head to the doctor this morning, so maybe the doc can shed some light on the matter! 15 months already I can't believe it!